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Your Legacy for Art

A deep connection to the Städel Museum—during your lifetime and beyond.

When Johann Friedrich Städel bequeathed the Städelsches Kunstinstitut—one of Germany’s oldest civic foundations—in his will in the year 1815, he was the first German citizen to found an art museum. What a unique gift to his fellow citizens of Frankfurt!

Since that time, many people have followed Städel’s example. In their wills or already during their lifetimes, they have remembered the Städel Museum with a generous donation or bequest, thus making a lasting contribution to the continuity and further development of this unique institution even beyond their own lifetime.

I never knew giving could make a person so happy.

Volker Westerborg, a Städel Museum patron

The upkeep and expansion of the collection, our extensive research and museum-education work, the many superb exhibitions we present—to this day, none of those things would be possible without donations and bequests.

Support is always an expression of a special affinity. With a donation or bequest to the Städel Museum, you erect a monument to your own love and enthusiasm for art and culture.

To be able to own and collect art is a great privilege that fills people with a deep sense of gratitude. With a donation made during your lifetime or a bequest left by will, you can share that pleasure and give later generations the enjoyment of art.

Philipp Demandt, Director of the Städel Museums


If you’d like to learn more about donations and estate planning, I’d be delighted to meet with you in person. I look forward to talking to you about the myriad ways of supporting the Städel Museum on a long-term basis.

I’ve had so many unifying experiences through art. So much communication, so much joy. I want that to continue.

A friend of the Städel Museum
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