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Digital Strategy

The digital revolution affects all areas of life. Museums are also subject to society’s upheavals, which fundamentally change how we deal with information, education and culture. The Städel Museum has set out to participate actively in shaping this transformation, and to make use of technological developments for all of its core museological tasks.

As centres of cultural heritage, museums are taking on ever more responsibility towards society above and beyond the pure communication of art and aesthetics. They are places of learning that convey knowledge and insights while also serving the self-affirmation of their visitors. Our aim is to continue doing justice to the institution’s research, education and communication responsibilities in the digital age, and to spark enthusiasm in various target groups for engaging with art and culture. With these pursuits, the Städel is as dedicated as ever to the express wishes of its founder—to make the museum’s collection accessible and communicate it to a broad public—and is ensuring its own continued successful existence as well as the ongoing societal relevance of the citizens’ museum founded in 1815.


Since the start of its “Digital Expansion”, the Städel Museum has already launched a sizable number of initiatives exploiting all the many innovative digital means of communicating cultural contents. Distinguished as much by their success as by their high quality, they demonstrate how the museum can affirm—and significantly expand—its relevance to society in the twenty-first century.


Chantal Eschenfelder
Bernadette Mildenberger
Alexandra Reißer
Pamela Rohde
Jochen Sander


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