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Asta Gröting

5 Sept 2025–12 Apr 2026

Intimate moments and closeness characterize the multifaceted work of the artist Asta Gröting (b. 1961). Originally and still working as a sculptor, she has expanded her artistic practice to include film and video. Her art explores human and cross-species relationships that often go unnoticed in everyday life and are usually unconscious. In its Contemporary Art Collection, the Städel Museum presents a selection of her video works in which she captures or stages moments from her environment and human existence.

About the Exhibition

Gröting’s deliberate manipulation of time gives her works a particular intensity. More than mere visual representations, her films open up contemplative spaces that invite us to reflect on the complexity of hidden relationships and their dynamics. By capturing intimate and moving encounters in her work, she demonstrates how art can function as a medium for human connection.

The sensitive translation of captivating moments into moving images invites the audience to explore the delicate, often hidden intermediate states of our existence and to experience anew the poetry of the moment. A highlight of the exhibition is the premiere of a new work at the Städel Museum.

Svenja Grosser (Head of Contemporary Art, Städel Museum)

Asta Gröting, Photo: Jennifer Endom, © 2024 Asta Gröting, VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024

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